The co-creation team
Lyran, Orion, Pleiades, Sirius, Merlin, Odin, Atlantis, and the Angels.
When Adargoma channeled Cosmology and the Ishka System, he initially only sought the help of his star family from the planet Koîhni-sotêhma in the constellation Boötes. His family informed him that, at that moment, he existed as a multidimensional being, and that the time had come to summon and create with all his aspects. Accordingly, he began to summon his family from the Lyran, Orion, Sirius and Pleiad systems. Odin and Merlin were then called upon, as they had suggested the creation of these systems, including oracle cards and divine words – initially called cosmic runes. He did not feel the need to summon Lady Alchemia, as they intended to create a new form of alchemy, and he believed she was already present in their efforts.
For some time, the Atlanteans had been sending messages to Adargoma, expressing their desire to collaborate with him and develop a new course together. Seeing this as a great opportunity, Adargoma welcomed their collaboration, although there are no concrete details yet, as Cosmology and the System remain the priority.
Finally, Adargoma called the Angels, a surprise for him, as he had never collaborated with them before. He knew that Archangel Michael and Metatron were close to him, but until then he had not felt the need to ask for their cooperation. It seemed that Cosmology and the System were more than just an intergalactic project, but also divine. For this reason, Adargoma also invited Divine Mind to join them, despite being aware that Divine Mind is involved in everything he and his family do. However, this time it felt different because the codes and information he would channel for this project were an act of co-creation between his multidimensional aspects and the Divine Mind.
Adargoma asked them to speak as One Voice and to speak through him. He then asked a brother and sister from his star family to guide his ears, eyes and hands to hear, see and write the information correctly. It was a new experience for him, as he could feel and see all of them providing him with the information he needed at specific milestones. He could hear all the voices and aspects of the information coalescing for him to write.
Team Enok was named so for pragmatic reasons. Every time Adargoma sat down to write or draw codes and diagrams, he called all these beings to introduce themselves. Starting with their star families, then Odin and Merlin, until invoking the Divine Mind.
As I was working full time on this project, invoking them became a daily task. Every time Adargoma took a break and resumed work, he would invoke them again.
Adargoma had already asked his star family to give him a family name, as calling them Star Family from the planet Koîhni-sotêhma in the Boötes System felt distant and dualistic. He was given the name Esêh-nerâh, which he found warmer and more intimate. Finally, he thought it would be a good idea for the others to give him a name so he could call them all at the same time. They suggested the name Enok, and Team Enok was born. Thereafter Adargoma called upon Esêh-nerâh, Enok and the Divine Mind to join him and speak as One.
The role of the Enoc team in the academy
Team Enoc does not have an active role with academy students at this time. Currently, his main function is to co-create with Adargoma the list of projects they have in their portfolio. These projects include course development, such as the upcoming course on teaching the Seven Primordial Notes, book writing, music composition and many other projects for the future.
Future collaboration with the Enoc team holds great promise for the academy. Plans are underway to create courses involving each Enoc team group. Currently, it appears that collaboration with the Lyran system family will be the next opportunity to be pursued.
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