“I enjoy the person I have become.”
When he was diagnosed with a life-threatening viral disease at the age of 20, Adargoma developed a passion for life. He contracted the chronic viral disease that was killing millions of people worldwide. In addition, the drugs available were so toxic to those taking them that they often killed the person faster than the virus.
It was in 1994 that Adargoma contracted the virus. When he was diagnosed, he was a month away from his 21st birthday and the start of college. The initial prognosis was very optimistic. The doctor told him that with luck he would have another 10 years to live. By then, he said, better and less toxic drugs would be available. The question was whether I would be “lucky”.
At that point in his life, he had two options: to walk away or to make the most of the years he had left to live. The last thing he wanted was to have deathbed regrets. He didn’t want to look back and regret not having done something out of fear. in other words, he didn’t want to look back and see that he had wasted his life on meaningless experiences. This was his moment of epiphany, from that moment on he looked for alternatives to be able to have one more year of life. His hope was to live long enough for effective and less toxic drugs to become available.
Two years after his initial diagnosis, doctors had a new test that measured the amount of virus in the blood. They were able to make a closer estimate of when the viral infection would go from chronic to fatal. His specialist told him that, according to the results obtained to date, he had between two and four years to live. In other words, he would die at the age of 26. Needless to say, Adargoma was very upset about his new prognosis. In retrospect, however, it was a blessing in disguise, because he left the specialist’s office very angry. In his mind he said to himself, “I’m going to prove him very wrong,” and that’s what he did!
Adargoma persevered in the search for new ways to stay healthy, both mentally and physically, because it was not only a physical illness, but also a mental one. He also had to deal with the social stigma of his disease. He changed her lifestyle, his mindset and practiced a holistic approach to life, improving and strengthening her mind-body connection. All driven by his passion for life.
Adargoma reached the age of 30 and it was then that he started taking the new and improved medication. He proved to his specialist and to modern medicine that prognoses are nothing more than guesswork. It was living proof. He would not be here to share his wisdom with the world if he had believed what his specialist told him.
This is just a brief recollection of Adargoma’s challenges and opportunities throughout his life. We cannot even imagine the tribulations he has gone through over the past five decades. That is why his knowledge and wisdom come from all the experiences he has lived through. Therefore, what he teaches is what he has practiced and has made him the person he is today: “I enjoy the person I have become.”
When someone asks Adargoma how he knows that cosmology and the system work, he replies that it is living proof. Both the cosmology and the system are based on what has worked for him. He, his Star Family – whose name is Esenerâh, and his team called Team Enoch – Pleiades, Orion, Orion, Sirius, Lyran, Lady Alchemy, Odin, Merlin, the Angels – co-creating with Divine Mind, have collaborated to create a cosmology and system that is both playful and wise. Their journey is far from over. He knows and feels that Little Butterfly Cosmology will evolve with him.