We developed the Seven Primordial Notes as manifestations of our consciousness – specifically, as waves of creative thought. These waves are innate from birth, with certain individuals exhibiting dominance in particular notes. For instance, Courage may overshadow Fluidity in some, granting them strength in navigating life’s currents.
These primordial nodes encapsulate diverse aspects, akin to archetypes but distinct. While labelled as archetypes for ease of understanding, they are truly vibrations, rhythms, and harmonies emanating from our essence. They resonate within our inner temple, representing the purest essence of who we are. Once we embody the Unity Identity. Once we embody the Unity Identity.
Understanding your essence empowers you to construct your inner temple authentically, free from external influences that breed attachment and duality. Rather than seeking energy externally, you merge with the sacred space symbiotically, enriching it with your essence as it enriches you.
Utilizing these primordial notes, we compose celestial sounds within our inner temple, transforming into broadcasters of our symphony rather than mere recipients. We transmit our essence harmoniously, fostering unity with sacred spaces and others.