The process of creation and manifestation in the universe

The Cosmic Dance is a metaphorical concept that represents the process of creation and manifestation in the universe. It embraces the idea that all existence is in a perpetual state of movement, rhythm and harmony, much like a dance. This dance involves the interaction of various elements, energies and consciousnesses, which ultimately leads to the creation and evolution of reality in all its forms. It symbolizes the interconnectedness of all things and the dynamic interaction between different levels of existence, from the physical to the spiritual. Cosmic Dance is a profound and multi-faceted concept that transcends traditional notions of cause and effect, illustrating the intricate and beautiful complexity
of the cosmos.
At the genesis of the Cosmic Dance is the Principle of Rhythm, a realm brimming with absolute potentiality. Here, Ayulh embarks on dance from potentiality to actuality, amid harmonies and vibrations that give rise to the choreography of creation.
1 Rhythm Principle
In Principle of Rhythm, Ayulh navigates the maze of machine codes, similar to stem cells, shaping dance in the midst of apparent chaos. When Ayulh connects with his Uber Soul, they receive the Vision of Rhythm, guiding his steps in the cosmic ballet of
Through harmonization, Ayulh aligns himself with the rhythms that resonate with his soul’s purpose, discerning vibrations that match the melody of the Uber Soul. Each movement harmonizes the chaos, manifesting codes from the etheric to the physical, embodying new states.
of conscience.

2 Inspiration Principle
By transitioning to the Inspiration Principle, Ayulh deepens the vision and communicates with the Multiverse to discover his heart’s desires. As the spark of inspiration is ignited, Ayulh moves toward the Principle of Composition, where the symphony of creation begins to take shape.
3 Principle of Composition
In the Principle of Composition, Ayulh purifies the obstacles through introspection, shining the light of his soul in his mind. Guided by the Nashêh-kôhma language, Ayulh composes his symphony, weaving sounds and melodies into the fabric of creation.

4 Symphony Principle
As the dance unfolds, Ayulh transitions to the Symphony Principle, embodying the expression of her soul as they integrate her symphony into the Divine Matrix. With each movement, Ayulh achieves self-realization and celebrates the completion of his cosmic journey.
As the chaos is renewed, Ayulh looks towards his creation with a sense of fulfillment, and each Cosmic Dance is a milestone in his journey towards true Mastery. Through devotion and love, Ayulh embodies the essence of the Master Architect, guiding others to the light of his soul.