The Esêh-nerâh family, also known as “The Family”, represents the Adargoma star family of the planet Koîhni-sotêhma in the constellation Boötes. Adargoma met with them in 2011 during a workshop connecting with the Orion, Pleiades, Sirius and Arcturus star systems. Until then, Adargoma was not familiar with stellar seeds or star families, as he had only encountered the fascinating stars, but had not explored them. During a workshop led by her friend Anthea, Adargoma connected with beings from the planet Koîhni-sotêhma, but initially felt a duality between them.
From 2011 to 2016, the Esêh-nerâh family and Adargoma developed their relationship. They shared with him techniques and methods of harmonization, while helping him to remember who he was and what his purpose was. The main opportunity presented to Adargoma was to “stop thinking like a human being”. Many times, he was reminded to “stop being human,” which was a major challenge considering that he had human form in the realm of humanity.
Over the years, Adargoma came to understand that it was not the physical human, but the metaphysical human. The message, as usual, was open to interpretation to allow Adargoma the widest possibilities for self-development. The key to the message was the words “be human”: stop being a human being and become a human star. Connect with your essence and, once you do, adopt unity consciousness. You will transmute your identity of duality into an identity of oneness, and then you can become a Human Star, embodying your stellar essence and thinking on a cosmic level. Thus the Little Butterfly Cosmology and the Ishka System were born out of pure experience.
It was not until 2016, following a DNA activation in Iceland, that Adargoma fully integrated with his star family, transcending duality. In 2022, feeling the need for a more appropriate name, he adopted “Esêh-nerâh”.

The structure of the Esêh-nerâh Family
The Esêh-nerâh family, known as the Council of the Guardians of Wisdom, is composed of 21/22 members (more on this notation later). Linked not by biological ties, but by a common vibratory resonance, they are in charge of preserving the wisdom in Koîhni-sotêhma. Their functions are determined by their vibrational essence at birth and, through training, they become guardians of specific divine words in the Nashêh-kôhma Language. An essence transfer ceremony allows new members to replace existing members.
The family consists of 11 male and 11 female members, two of whom act as father and mother figures as mentors. Asêhya-Anâhya, positioned as the head and the feet, or the alpha and the omega, sits in a circle known as the Mystic Rose with the rest of the family members.
That is why we mention 21/22 members; Asêhya-Anâhya is a single member, but possesses two bodies – one female and one male – when exercising his function as head of the council. Otherwise, it has only one body and is known simply as Asêhya-Anâhya. This duality is characteristic of all the previous heads of the Council.
The family structure involves energetic transitions from the masculine to the feminine, with sister Asêhya situated where the masculine becomes feminine, and brother Anâhya where the feminine becomes masculine. This dual role is the reason why we refer to Asêhya-Anâhya as the head and the feet.
The Esêh-nerâh family members
Name |
Family |
Letra Divina |
Domain |
0 Asêhya-Anâhya |
Sister-brother |
Doisînhte |
Current status – in reality |
1 Ôhdivus |
Father |
Tepyôhba |
Transmutation – alchemy |
2 Lêihda |
Mother |
Bayûnhda |
Natural flow |
3 Yyâhne |
Brother |
Yanhtêhna |
Cardiac coherence |
4 Osâhnia |
Sister |
Velînhda |
Congruence – Harmony and agreement |
5 Isnetuâh |
Brother |
Kuduoyânh |
Proactivity – visionary |
6 Eumîhsina |
Sister |
Doliyâh |
Self-knowledge and co-creation |
7 Imasôh |
Brother |
Koitinêh |
Expected result |
8 Saûhfna |
Sister |
Gayadônh |
Emotional state of the heart |
9 Minuâh |
Brother |
Boyêhna |
Expression and interaction |
10 Maiyôh |
Sister |
Uovonêht |
Original thought – desires of the heart |
11 Koâhmi |
Brother |
Megâhnas |
Divine mind – meditation |
12 Suîhsil |
Sister |
Pasoânhda |
Acceptance and receptivity |
13 Osûhnaye |
Brother |
Nitîhsha |
Changing the perception |
14 Isûhniya |
Sister |
Veishadûh |
Aligning with the highest good |
15 Ausdîhno |
Brother |
Tenhyîhsho |
State of potentiality |
16 Godêhna |
Sister |
Yonîhma |
Vibration projection |
17 Okâhdis |
Brother |
Ketâhli |
Transitory nature |
18 Maitûh |
Sister |
Vushnâhya |
State of tranquility – joy and peace |
19 Muâhne |
Brother |
Kiyênhde |
Mind control – mental projection |
20 Itaîhna |
Sister |
Faistidônh |
Inherent rhythm of life |
The role of the Esêh-nerâh family in our academy
The Esêh-nerâh family functions as the guardian of the divine letters of the Nashêh-kôhma Language – 21 letters for 21 members, each letter representing a domain of the Ishka System. For example, the letter Uovonêht represents the domain of Original Thought, and sister Maiyôh is the guardian of this domain. In addition, each member acts as a mentor to the students of our academy. Board members can be multiplied infinitely, so there are no restrictions on the number of students a board member can tutor simultaneously.
The mentor provides an overview of the main domain in the student’s journey towards identity unification, from Dual Identity to Oneness Identity, influencing the student’s path.
During the foundation course – Level 1 – students are assigned one or more members of the Esêh-nerâh family as their mentor(s) to support and guide them through the five levels to build the Inner Temple and reach Unity Consciousness.
The Mystic Rose
The Mystic Rose consists of arranging the numbers in a circular pattern, usually forming a symmetrical flower-like design. The numbers are placed in concentric circles, each of which represents a different arithmetic progression or pattern. This geometrical arrangement has various symbolic and spiritual interpretations, often associated with sacred geometry and mysticism, and represents Oneness for the
Esêh-nerâh family.