The story behind the name Little Butterfly

The name of our Akademeia, Little Butterfly, has a very special and deep meaning for us. We want to share with you the story behind this unique name and what it represents for our community.
During a spiritual retreat in the lush Peruvian Amazon jungle, I had the privilege of working with the spirit of a sacred plant called Uchu Sanango. This experience was transformative and profound, and led me to explore the depths of my being and connection to the natural world around us.
During this retreat, I experienced an inner metamorphosis, a transformation from which I emerged renewed and full of energy and clarity. It was during this time of introspection and communion with nature that a poem was born that captured the essence of my experience: a poem about transformation, beauty and freedom.
This poem, which came to me like a gentle breeze in the jungle, inspired the name of our website: Little Butterfly. It represents the idea of transformation and personal evolution, as well as the beauty and freedom that come from opening our wings and allowing ourselves to fly.
At Little Butterfly, we strive to create a space where each individual can experience their own inner metamorphosis, where they can free themselves from self-imposed limitations and open up to their highest potential. Our goal is to be a beacon of light and a guide on your journey of self-discovery and personal growth.
The poem - Little Butterfly
When my Nature looks at my nature
It only sees labels, colors and textures.One was given,
one was born.
my Soul chose both.One to maintain,
one to remember,
Both for Amar.The more I remember,
The more I let go,
And less I maintain.Until one day
Remember, let go and keep no longer exist.
There remains only my Nature to Love.